BibTeX converter is an all-Java GUI application that converts BibTeX to BibTeXML and onwards.
The onward-conversions are implemented with XSLT 2.0. There are several built-in stylesheets (HTML, RIS, ...), and user-made stylesheets can easily be loaded into the application (File menu).
BibTeXConverter can optionally validate the BibTeXML that you supply or that it creates from your BibTeX input. Together with the BibTeXML-to-BibTeX stylesheet this can help you to find and fix errors in your reference database.
BibTeXConverter needs Java 1.5 or higher und is published under GPL 2.
You can download BibTeXConverter source and binaries from the BibTeXML project site. Or run BibTexConverter instantly with Java Web Start.
2007.03.12 Moritz Ringler, Vidar Bronken Gundersen
Contact us using the mailing list, tracker or email the project admins. GNU General Public License |