BibTeX as XML markup

A bibliography DTD and schema for XML that expresses the content model in BibTeX — the bibliographic system for use with LaTeX, which is widely adopted by the scientific community.

BibTeXML is shipped with tools to translate native TeX-syntax BibTeX bibliographies to XML and translate this into any markup scheme. Hence one is able to profit from both the existing BibTeX system and bibliographies as well as the transformation and presentation facilities offered by XML.

Our goal is to maintain a strict BibTeX schema and develop (and collect!) conversion tools that will help you tag your bibliographic data in XML and save typing time, or export it to XML based bibliographic formats such as MODS, as well as HTML, DocBook, LaTeX or native BibTeX syntax.

2007.01.01 Vidar Bronken Gundersen, Zeger W. Hendrikse
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GNU General Public License